Goddess Cerridwen: Calling in potent transformation



2020 brought us a radically different new year than what we had in 2019, wouldn’t you agree?

While we felt a sense of excitement for a new decade last year, we’ve been on a rollercoaster ride 🎢 of reality this year that brings a different vibration of anticipation.

Even though there has been so much destruction, I see how last year set us up for a divine rebirth in 2021. 😍

As January rolls in, institutions of the past and old patriarchal paradigms are finally crumbling.

We’re taking a stand as individuals and as a global community to bring down the toxic forces behind structural societal oppression, racial inequalities, gender discrimination, sexual exploitation, and political corruption. 🔥

It can feel like things are (still) pretty intense, 😨but as divine feminine leaders of a financial, emotional, and spiritual revolution on this planet, we won’t be silenced or kept down any longer.

How are you lifting the veil to see yourself and your divine trajectory to wealth 💰 and wellness 🙏 more clearly right now?

There’s an ever-growing presence of the Goddess. 👑 She’s making herself known… perhaps you’ve felt it too?

The call for cooperation, community, sisterhood, reflection, self-care, and restoration is growing. 💖

In your life, you may have felt a longing for a new way of working, one of service and ease rather than hustle and exhaustion.

Power with rather than power over. ✨❤️

Socio-economic freedom for all, not just the few.

It’s hardly surprising the energy of the Goddess is becoming stronger as we enter these unprecedented times and begin to dream into being the act of co-creating a ‘new world’ and birthing a new way of living. 🙏

If you find yourself feeling lost or confused right now, call on the Celtic Goddess Cerridwen, the Goddess of Transformation and the Keeper of the Cauldron. 🙏

She’s an often misunderstood Goddess and seen as a ‘witch’ 🧙‍♀️ when she’s really a mother Goddess with a story of deep love for her children. 🥰

As the Goddess of Transformation and the Keeper of the Cauldron, she has the transformative power of wisdom, creativity, and magic to help us rebirth into something new, which is essential to move us through these changing times. 💫

Call on her and ask her to show you what in your life is ready to be released and transformed, 🔥 so you may emerge restored, aligned, and on-purpose.

Her symbol of the cauldron is like a saucepan, a vessel to create nourishing ‘food’ for the body, mind, and soul, and reminds us to look after ourselves first. 💛 The higher our vibration and level of self-love, the better we will transcend these times.

Her cauldron also reminds us to bring ALL of ourselves to life. When making soup, the individual ingredients may taste good by themselves, but blend them altogether and you have something richer, heartier, and tastier. 😊 Just as with yourself, your individual attributes may be celebrated, but when you bring your whole self to life, quirks and all, the magic really begins! 🦄

✅ To get clear on how we want to show up in life.
✅ To get clear on the kind of world we want to create and pass on to future generations.

We can only begin to gain this kind of clarity when we become intimate with ourselves, claim our deepest dreams and desires, and fully accept and embody ALL of ourselves. 🦋

Allow yourself to melt into Cerridwen’s Cauldron as you surrender to the ‘darkness’ of rest and nourishment and start dreaming into being the life you’re ready to birth. ✨

Diva, I’m inviting you to harness the potent energy of this new year and manifest your deepest desires on a juicy call with one of my diva strategists. We’ll map out your next $100K+ and get you serving and selling FAST ➡️ ceodivachat.com. ☎️


➡️ This is your sacred invitation to transcend fear, frustration and crippling money drama. It’s an invitation to wield magic, embody your creatrix power and open yourself up to a million dollar frequency, 💸 as you catapult your business and your life.

Whenever I set an intention and do the necessary planning work for my goal, not only does it come to fruition, I usually surpass it. Because here’s what I know to be true: when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. It’s not enough to simply want it, you have to put your big girl panties on and do the work. 💪

Diva, are you ready to make 2021 your juiciest 🍑 year yet? This goes beyond money. This is about unleashing your sacred work and living in true abundance on ALL levels. 💫

Apply for your divine strategy call today and get clear on your next steps ➡️ ceodivachat.com. ☎️

This year I wish for you that ALL that you desire comes to life a million times over! 😘🥰

Have a juicy, rich new year, diva! 🥂

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna

Leading 7-Figure Strategist


MY GIFT TO YOU: The prophetess of true power.


Happy Holidays. ☃️

As I gather with friends and family this Christmas, something’s different…

There’s a stillness, peace, and calm in the air that I’ve never felt before. 🍃

Don’t fear that this cosmic wave of energy ⚡ is here to slow you down, diva, it’s here to launch you into your next level of light-speed growth.

Last year felt like a blur as I took care of my ailing father, dealing with deep grief and bidding farewell to his earthly spirit on November 30. 🙏

The holidays were heavy, and I was recovering from an intense time of caretaking during my Dad’s transition. Having a business that supported me during that time (instead of one that required my attention 24/7) kept me afloat 💞 and ensured my soul purpose work wasn’t left behind in the midst of it all.

This year, I’ve come full circle and feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and on FIYAH. 🔥

I’ve been more present, connected, clear and mindful of how I spend my time. Death does that to you. It wakes you up. 🙌 Time is precious. I know that for sure. 

In light of all we’ve experienced in 2020, I shot a short and juicy video for you to inspire you for the new year:

I am deeply grateful. My book is in the works, my clients are celebrating the most epic results in their businesses, and every relationship in my life is deeply honoring and rich.

I believe this deep, restorative stillness we’re feeling is the feminine rising within each one of us to be claimed, unchained, and celebrated like never before. 🦋

We have all had heightened stress this year as we processed a global uprising around race issues, a pandemic that drastically altered our everyday lives, and each of our own personal transformations and alchemies.

If you want to make the most of this holiday season and conjure a flow of clients in your business and cash into your bank account, then it’s time to call your power back from all realms, dimensions, losses, failures, times past, relationships, and places. 🙏

Thecla is calling us into the depths of rest where we can recharge our bodies, minds, and spirits.

She is creating space for us to birth into our next dimension. 🦋

She is holding out her hand and offering us divine support as we reclaim our power and fully embody every wild, outrageous, audacious part of who we are. 💃

As you open up to Thecla’s loving and potent frequency, allow yourself to envision your next level juicy RAPID manifestation. 😍

💎 What are you ready to create for yourself?
💎 What are you finally ready to bring to fruition in your business?
💎 What upgrades need to be made manifest in order for you to live in deep aligned femme power?

Diva, use this holy time as the world 🌎 slows down to prepare your energetic field for the new year.

Remember the holy birth of Christ consciousness into the world, your feminine power, and the passion, fire, 🔥 and purpose that brought you to your work in the first place.

This is a divine time for renewing your devotion to making a miraculous and massive difference in the world.

You are endlessly powerful. Divine prosperity is your birthright. ✨ And Thecla is here to support you in reclaiming your throne as you expand your vision and energetic empire.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, gorgeous! 🎁 May wealth and wellness be poured out over your life and family this holiday season, Diva. ❄️

Lots of love and divine riches,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna

Leading 7-Figure Strategist



The truth is I went from making $30K a year grinding along and freaking out about where my next client was coming from to a $3M 💸 a year business with a waitlist to work with me privately—in just five years.

How the heck does that happen?

Well, that’s exactly what I teach. 😉

What can I say? It’s a lot better being rich than poor.

I have no shame receiving DIVINE COMPENSATION 🙌 for my work and neither should you, diva.

I was SO FREAKING OVER my suffering, shame, and insecurity. 😖

I married a talented man with no money, which in hindsight lit a fire under my ASS 🍑 to take divine action!

I knew I had to figure out my finances, or I’d be back living in my mother’s basement within a few years!

Once I stopped playing the victim and overcame the shame of losing my previous company in NYC to fraud, I was able to:

💎 earn my first $150K in 8 months (I know it sounds rah-rah, but it’s the truth).
💎 fill my mastermind in 3 months with a list skinnier than a supermodel.
💎 rock a $400K launch for my renowned online group program, High-End Empire.
💎 grow a 7-figure business within two years with a baby on my hip.
💎 hit $3M in revenue in 2020 while working part-time… heck, yes!

Trust me, you don’t have to stress your head out with crazy launches 🚀 either.

And you don’t have to run yourself into the ground.

You can do what you love, make big money, and spend your time the way you want, including enjoying more time with your family and loved ones. 💞

In the process of my financial ascension, I’ve been able to pass THIS DIVINE FEMME FORTUNE FRAMEWORK 📈 onto thousands of women, and I’m only just beginning.

At Ingrid Arna, we stand for the political, social, and economic empowerment of all women. 💃

We mean business when it comes to moving your life’s work off your vision board and into FREAKING REALITY. 🦋

It’s going to take AMBITION—which isn’t a dirty word around here.

You’re going to need to work with the divine feminine. 🙏

And you’re going to need fierce strategy, leadership, and the know-how to monetize the heck out of your message.

Our job is to guide you into your greatness and show you the path to financial strength and sustainable and scalable cashflow.

This is the day you STOP ❌ working so hard as you completely realign your business, so you’re financially, spiritually, and emotionally compensated for your transformational work.

I know you hear the call 📣 to rise.

But here’s the brutal truth:

What most coaches are saying you should do to grow your business doesn’t work. Period.

It may get you to 6 figures (with a whole lot of hustle and headache), but it won’t get you much further than that.

How you do business at $100K is a completely different strategic paradigm to earning 7 figures. 💰

And to go to the next level, both personally and professionally, you need to master a different mindset and business strategy.

This new paradigm isn’t just about marketing and money.

It’s about living the new archetype of a successful woman where we celebrate 🥂 and honor the divine feminine. It’s about getting support structures in place, so you can focus on working in your zone of genius.

It’s also about serving at your highest potential.

I invite you to STOP working so hard and START building a life and business that will truly light you up. ⚡

Fighting against who we are is a nightmare.

If you’re a queen diva 👑 and warrior ⚔️ vixen, you can’t be freaking Cinderella or a damsel in distress! You have to be all that you are in every moment, or you die a little more with each and every breath.

E-learning is a US$325 billion 💰 industry.
Isn’t it time you claimed your divine piece of it?

Looking for a new way to transform your life ✨ and ready to create profound change in others?

Well, you’re in the right place. 😉

Get my #1 strategy that made all of the above possible for me, so you can rise into SERVICE & SALES.

Book in for your FREE coaching call ☎️ here 👉 ceodivachat.com.

Lots of love and divine riches,

Fixated on your divine success,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist


The first 5 women who sign up for High-End Empire Divamind 👑 over the NEXT 3 days will receive a special fast action bonus: 1:1 RICH DIVA daily voxer (audio messaging) coaching and support for a month with Tori, my head strategist!

She’ll look at the juicy and divine details of your business to ensure you have that cash flow 💸 purring along like a MONEY DIVA. Plus I’ll also check in with special MONEY AND BRAND ACTIVATIONS for you. 😉

We’ll dive into your offers, funnels, and sales process and inject a new lease of life into everything that’s needed to get you moving in the direction of those $15K+ months.

And that bonus alone is worth $10,000! 😲

Talk soon, gorgeous! 💋


Can soul empaths excel in business?


As women, we’ve been conditioned to consider that serving is GOOD and charging for those services is UNACCEPTABLE. 🚫

This conditioning gets us caught up in a vicious cycle of resentment and burnout as we give, give, and give some more but never get what we deserve in return. 😭

Aren’t you done living like that, divine woman!?


I’m not saying you should ONLY be ‘in it for the money’ 🤑 but you can’t deny that it feels SO FREAKING INCREDIBLE to make bank….. while doing work that aligns with your soul purpose. 🙏


And it’s truly the only SUSTAINABLE way to serve. ❤️

You can’t pour from an empty cup. ❌

You can’t serve at your highest if you’re burnt out, exhausted, and hustling to sell your next single session just so you can afford to keep the lights on. 😩

This is about raising your standards 👑 and commanding an endless supply of sales, so you can work from a place of nourishment …….without working all the freaking time. 🥵

The truth is when you get the STRUCTURE right, a bigger business is EASIER to manage and you get to reach, guide, and mentor more people.

This is a new realm of living as a successful woman where you learn to GIVE and RECEIVE in divine FLOW. ⚖️💞

It’s time to be a DIVA QUEEN not a damsel in distress. 🤣

You deserve so much more…

🔥 More sales
🔥 More abundance
🔥 More radiance
🔥 More magic
🔥 More pleasure

Without financial strength we will always be controlled.

It’s time to release the shame and scale your business 📈 with soul, speed and proven strategy.

Your future lies in your hands, gorgeous.

Are you willing to rise into limitless abundance, influence, and impact? 💫

If that’s a HECK YES, 🙌 then apply for your complimentary CEO Diva Chat. We will map out a strategy for you to amplify your sales with grace and ethics. 🙏

Start NOW by filling out this 3 minute questionnaire
➡️ ceodivachat.com

Lots of love and divine riches,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist


How I attract high-end clients before most people get out of bed in the morning!

The time is NOW, DIVA! 💥

The pain you feel is life calling you to play a bigger game.

The world is waiting for you to show up and then you’ll blow up, darling.

The fear you feel won’t disappear until you take clear, femme and focused action. 💃

You need to make a commitment — a sacred vow to master marketing, money and selling. 🙏

⬇️ Click below to watch me talk about this more. ⬇️

You haven’t yet mastered marketing, and you’re scared shitless about raising your fees.

Your money karma drama, family chaos and fear of being seen are suffocating you. 😮

Let’s end that now… 😉

So here are the 8 steps to sell high-end like a diva… 👑

Prayer and intent. 🙏 I know exactly what I want. I am laser lucid clear and yet detached. If you want riches, you can’t vibe with ‘I am needy and broke’. You don’t get rich acting poor. You don’t attract clients in a low vibe resonance. Be mindful of where your energy ⚡ is at.

I have practiced my craft. 🎨 I am masterful. That f#cking helps. I keep studying to ensure a high level of customer service. I continue to learn, refine and uplevel. I meditate and channel for higher dimension access.

I speak up 🗣️ on video, live videos and email. I own myself and my voice. I give value. I share the hard stuff that most won’t say.

I price according to my mastery not the hours spent. 💸 I charge for the return on investment. I give generously, and I receive willingly. I won’t allow anyone to determine my value. That’s my decision. 😉

I invite people to take action. 🎬 I am clear about the steps. I am not shy about this.

Clients choose to work with me 💞 without any sense of manipulation. I come from the heart. I am clear about the path they need to take, and I articulate the specifics. I teach this practice, and this alone has made millions upon millions 💰 for my students.

When you honor your word and deliver on what you promise, the universe expands and brings you more. 😍 Clients refer. I get epic social proof. Clients keep buying my products, and life is good.

As I grow, my team needs to grow. ✨ I treat everyone with respect and don’t follow hierarchy. I expect a level of excellence and also understand we’re all human and make sure the wellbeing of the team is addressed to create a powerful collective. We are only as strong as our weakest link. 🔗

“Two words to describe Ingrid Arna’s High-End Empire program: Just brilliant! If you’re thinking about joining but have fear coming up, feel the fear and do it anyway. Give yourself this gift. My relationship with money has changed dramatically. I sold my first $5000 package paid in FULL in the first month and now I’m consistently selling. I’m now laser lucid clear on what it will actually take for me to have a million dollar business.” – Camille Thurnherr, love coach and spiritual teacher

Get ready to buckle up to take the ride 🎢 of your divine life, beautiful, if you want to:

❌ stop trading dollars for hours and instead have money come in while you sleep, sip on a latte or spend time at the beach with your darling loved ones!
❌ stop chasing clients and struggling to fill your pipelines and instead have clients contact and book you automatically!
❌ stop stressing over money and bills and instead master the art {and science} of making money with soul rather than sleaze and slime!

But it’s time to stop sabotaging yourself diva, as you rise into service and abundance! 🙌

Apply here to chat to my team to see if we’re a match made in diva heaven ➡️ ceodivachat.com. ✨

Lots of love and divine riches,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist