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4 core mistakes keeping you stuck in scarcity!

4 core mistakes keeping you stuck in scarcity!


Want to know what’s keeping you from claiming your right to divine riches? 💸

There are 4 core mistakes keeping you stuck in scarcity! 😖

…or you do, but it’s priced way too low. 🤨

Many of the women I’ve worked with had no idea what they were even offering before they came to work with me.

Yes, these are the SAME WOMEN who are now making $40K or $50K sales 💰🔥 on the regular.

Like Abi, who packaged up 🎁 her brilliance and made bank…

Or Loveday who was used to charging a few hundred beans, but after tweaking her offer was able to more than 10x 💸💸 her results…

If you don’t have an offer, you don’t have a business. It’s as simple as that. 😉

You may have a SERVICE to sell, like coaching or consulting, but if you haven’t PACKAGED 🎁 it in a way that makes it easy for clients to buy, and PRICED 🏷️ it in a way that allows you to serve at your highest, then you won’t get the money, divine woman!

If you want a thriving business 🚀 and consistent cash flow, 💸 then you need an IRRESISTIBLE offer that SELLS CONSISTENTLY, %FIRSTNAME%. 🙌✨

It needs to speak to your customers’ needs and desires. 💖 You need to know them like you know yourself.

Obvious perhaps, but I can’t tell you how many women don’t seem to get this.

This is your invitation 💌 to leave under-earning at the door. Buh-bye. See you never. 👋

I know, I know. You’re overwhelmed. You’ve got a million things to do: 📲

✅ Instagram stories

✅ Facebook lives

✅ Start a podcast

✅ Run Facebook ads

✅ Pay-per-click ads

✅ Schedule a month of tweets

But be honest: Do you really need to employ every single marketing tactic on the planet, or do you have a case of shiny object syndrome? 🤔

This scattered behavior shows up in your business in other ways too. 📋

❎ You have 13 business ideas, and you’re trying them all.

❎ You change your offer every day.

❎ You get trapped in the abyss of Facebook and Instagram and get no real work done.

❎ You constantly feel like you’re drowning in that endless to-do list, and you have no idea what to do first. 😫

It’s exhausting; I should know! I was that person until I decided to stop chasing the crowd like a desperate woman. Rather than juggling ten actions to build my business, I focused on one or two. 👀🙏

I finally realized that I only needed ONE compelling high-end offer and a clear strategy to become a wildly wealthy woman. 💃👑 I focused all my energy on selling my mastermind, and I only used one social media platform, not five.

I spent $10K on FB ads, welcomed 17 women into my program and received a $160,000 ROI in 3 months. 🙌

That was the beginning of everything.

Side note, diva: It happened quickly for me because I know how to SELL, 💸 package up my BRILLIANCE, and CONNECT with my AUDIENCE. 💞 If you don’t know how to do that, then it’s time to master the skills.

I was as focused as F*CK and went all in. I overcame my anxiety, my not enoughness drama, and my fear of showing my FULL self to the world, 🦋 and I launched my first mastermind. 🚀💫

Here’s the truth:

Without that laser-lucid clarity 💎 on who you serve and the impact of your epic work, you’re speaking to a big black hole of no one. There’s simply no way you’re going to earn big if you’re not clear about who you serve. 👀

No amount of hustling and ad spend is going to bring home the bacon 🥓 unless you know what you stand for and who you serve.

This is the HOLY GRAIL of money and influence. If you want to be an online superstar, 🌟 you have to LEAD. 💃


💎 Loving the clients 💖 you work with and the transformations you co-create.

💎 Having cash in the bank and money 💸 to burn instead of having zilch to show for your efforts! SCREW THAT.

💎 Loving the rich life 🛍️ you’ve created for your family and yourself, so you can take time off whenever you want, have a siesta, head to the beach, get a massage, and hire a chef and a personal trainer—without feeling guilty or ashamed.

💎 Loving the divine self-love and confident mojo 💅 with which you express your prices, share your boundaries, and speak your truth as you rise into a potent influencer and leader in your field.

💎 Working part-time and making 5 to 20 times 💰 more. (Yep, it’s possible with the right strategy!)

💎 Shining and speaking your truth 📣 online like a BOSS DIVA with no shame. You are free, liberated, and have total ownership of who you are and what you stand for.

💎 Loving the fact 🥰 you’re no longer caught up in a toxic spin cycle of lack and desperation.

💎 Enjoying a deep sense of peace 🙏 from knowing how to make money from a place of deep receiving and service.

If you’re not selling, you’re out of business. And trust me, I know exactly what it feels like to always wonder where your next client is coming from. 🤔

It’s a serious abundance-blocker. 🛑

When you’re desperate for clients, it’s like you’re holding up a big neon sign that says, ‘No one is buying from me!’ 😭

It is MISSION CRITICAL that you have a lead gen process that reliably gets clients in the door, as many and as often 🚀 as you like.

If you don’t know what that process is yet, hold on, I’ll show you, because once you master client attraction, you’ll never have to worry about money again.

…You’ll show up to sales calls as the brightest, most powerful version of yourself. 💃👑

…You’ll be completely detached from the outcome of the call, knowing that there’s plenty more where that came from.

And trust me, diva. There’s ALWAYS more where that came from. 😘

The women making money online have made an unwavering and unbreakable 💥 decision to serve and prosper.

They show up every day. They’re the ones having $600K launches. 🚀 They’re the ones selling $5K, $10K, and $20K+ packages 🎁 every week. They’re the ones creating powerful content for their community.

When they started with me, they were the ones who could barely get on camera. 📷 They were the ones who could barely afford the investment. But they decided to do it anyway, because they made a vow. 🙏

If you want to be successful online, in life, and in business, then you have to overcome your drama, pain, and shame. 🦋

You have to use your journey as magic 🔮🪄 to teach and inspire others and not allow it to drag you down any longer.

And you have to stop with the roller-coaster ride 🎢 and dramatics. You don’t have time for it.

It’s a powerful step to decide how you’ll spend your energy, ⚡ knowing that whatever you focus on will expand 1000x, so I invite you to choose love, connection, abundance, and service.

If you’re making any of these 4 mistakes, don’t beat yourself up. 💋

But if you’re over being controlled by the patriarchy, chained to a j-o-b you don’t love, 💔 and trapped under a glass ceiling…

It’s time to rise up and claim your divine right to do what you want, serve with soul, and attract abundance like it’s your job. 💃🥂 (Oh wait, it is!)

Let that sink in for a moment, gorgeous… 🤔

You’re looking at a whopping $1 billion dollar 💰 a day market that’s growing even while you pick up your jaw off the floor…

NOW (or, in fact, yesterday!) is the BEST time to learn how to package your brilliance, so you can sell and scale with ease. 💥✨

Get ready to buckle up and take the ride of your divine life if you want to: 🎢💖

❌ Stop trading dollars for hours and instead have money come in while you sleep, sip on a latte, or spend time at the beach with your darling loved ones!

❌ Stop chasing clients and struggling to fill your pipelines and instead have clients contact and book you automatically!

❌ Stop stressing over money and bills and instead master the art (and science) of making money with soul rather than sleaze and slime!

But you need to be careful to not sabotage yourself any longer, darling. 😉

Give yourself permission to be abundant, radiant, and deeply supported as you build your online coaching empire 👑 with grace, ease and speed! 🙌

APPLY now to chat to one of my strategists and we’ll map 🗺️ out a CLIENT ATTRACTION PLAN for you to amplify your coaching business. 🪄🔮

Lots of love and divine riches,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist

Ingrid Arna is the founder and CEO of The Ingrid Arna Company and the creator of the Gucci of online business programs, High End Empire. Ingrid Arna and her company are leading the charge in teaching conscious capitalism and building leaders who are devoted to global healing. The return is massive impact and million dollar brands that give back.

Since becoming a mother, the only resolutions Ingrid has stuck to are swapping G-strings for granny panties and quadrupling her fees. She’s never been happier.