2015 $35 K

2018 $1 million

2019 $2 millions

2021 $4 million

2022 $5 million

I was packing boxes of wax at five years old, eagerly helping my
parents build their cosmetic company.
This humble business that started in our kitchen became one of Australia’s
largest cosmetic companies with its products distributed in 40 countries
and counting.
Growing up in a family that took a little idea and virtually no capital and
transformed it into a multimillion-dollar enterprise was a gift to witness.
However, even in such an entrepreneurial household, I was sold the myth
that corporate was best, and I believed it in my bones.
I grew up attending a prestigious private girls’ school, and my father was
pretty clear about what he expected of me: I was to become a doctor,
lawyer, or politician. The end.
Hilarious that I’m now getting paid more than a surgeon and a lawyer
combined to consult for top brands and leading industry experts.
#shameless #youcantoo
My first internship was at A Current Affair. Two weeks into the job, I was
offered a position as the production assistant. I was honored...but I was
also being harrassed. It was normal for my boss to ride me about every
little imperfection while throwing around the C word like it was his toxic
power-play confetti.
Despite this being my dream job at the time, I resigned and bluntly told
him, “You’re a bully. I’m done.”
Landing in NYC, I had nothing. No promise of a job.
No family. No contacts. No one to fall back on.
I looked up a media agency online, marched into their office, and pitched them on adding a feminine sector to their company. I didn’t send a resume or wait for a job posting. Needless to say, I got the job and at 28 I became the managing partner at a leading ad agency in NYC.
I chased my corporate tail trying to prove myself for years before I woke up from sneaking a nap under my desk (hello chronic fatigue and burnout!) and got the heck out.
Launching my coaching business happened in a whirlwind of leaving the corporate grind behind, returning to Australia, my husband losing his job, and finding out we were expecting our beautiful daughter, Aria.
I realized after taking yet another client call from my hospital bed after her birth that I’d taken my corporate M.O. and transferred all the drama and drain to my own business. I was headed for burnout again unless something changed.
That’s when I launched my mastermind, spent $10,000 on ads, booked 60 calls, and sold 17 spots.
Within 6 months, I’d replaced my husband’s income and went on to sell $10K, $20K, and $50K
Once I knew the way, I was able to repeat the process and 10x my results at the speed of light. Within a
few short years, I’d built a global marketing school with two signature programs, Six-Figure Diva and 7
Figure Diva. Each year we serve thousands of students who get exceptional coaching and ROI from a
team of world-class coaches and experts.
Yes, i’m in!
I want to design my million dollar plan.