Client Success

New Year Full Moon Alchemy: Detox your life and enter 2023 with a clean slate, divine woman!

The year’s first Full Moon is here, gorgeous!

Now’s the perfect time to grab your journal and review your intentions for 2023.

Full moons teach us that we can only make space for the new by letting go of the old. So if there’s anything that doesn’t serve you anymore…


People pleasing and playing small?
Not asking for what you want?
Not charging your worth fearlessly?
Staying stuck in your money karma drama?
Not honoring your needs and boundaries?
Not showing up authentically online?

Oh, that’s so 2022.

As the Earth’s energy field is moving more and more into the feminine to create balance in our masculine-dominant world, we are being deeply supported to step into our power and create a nourishing life that heals us, those around us, and the entire world.

So listen up, darling woman…

‘Tis the time for a big HOLISTIC LIFE DETOX.

Harness the potent energy of this soul-cleansing Cancer Full Moon and make a list of what you need to remove from your life, business, and energy field so you can…

REWRITE your limiting thought patterns
HEAL your relationship with money and receiving
BECOME your most powerful CEO DIVA self
and MAKE space for more divine abundance.

To deepen this process, use these mantras and anchor yourself in your new reality, gorgeous.

I let go of everything that’s not serving my purpose and higher self.
I release all low-vibrational, negative energy from my body, mind, and soul.
I am worthy of love, money, success, and support.
I allow myself to receive all that I desire.
All worries and fears are removed from my system with ease and grace.
I am the co-creatrix of my divine reality.
I trust that I am always supported and guided by the Universe.


There’s no better time to ditch your money karma drama and detox yourself from the belief patterns keeping you stuck in a cruel cycle of under-earning and over-giving.

So if you want to manifest more ease, fulfillment, divine joy, and financial abundance into your life in 2023, we’ve got you.

Apply for a zero-commitment, heart-to-heart chat with one of my diva wealth strategists today and we’ll dive straight in.

Here’s the thing…

Money is NOT the enemy. It’s NOT the ‘root of all evil’.

Money is a sacred tool.
A divine expander.
A fast-track ticket to your wildest dreams.

I’m all about the financial ascension of women because the world needs more financially thriving, empowered, and turned-on divas to shake up the status quo and shift the toxic patriarchal paradigm we’ve been born into.

We can choose a different path.

If you’re ready for change, my success coaches and I are here to guide you to a new reality.

One where scarcity is a thing of the past.

Where the energy of abundance, divine femme flow, and ancestral feminine wisdom are running through your veins day in and day out.

Where being rich-AF is the new norm.

Where money turns you on instead of giving you anxiety attacks on the reg.

Where money — one of the most potent energies of the quantum — is your sacred lover.

A lover that wants to give, give, and give… until you overflow with ecstasy. Until money is not something separate from you, but an energetic code within that you can always activate and multiply.

That’s the way of the Creatrix, divine one.

So if you’re ready to make 2023 the year when you finally activate cash flow with soul and step into financial sovereignty with divine ease, apply for a free CEO DIVA BUSINESS REVIEW today.

Making 6 and 7 figures is your birthright.

Love and full moon riches,
Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist

Why your website is making you broke?

Happy New Year, gorgeous! Get wealthy, lit up and truly happy in 2023!

Speak your sacred desires into existence with this Gemini Full Moon, darling!

Happy Full Moon, gorgeous!

I can’t believe that it’s the last full moon of 2022 already… #TimeFlies

This full Cold Moon is in the sign of quick-witted Gemini and it’s all about COMMUNICATION — how we’re using our voice in the world, how we’re choosing our words, and how we speak our desires into existence.

This is so freaking important, diva.

And here’s why…

Your authentic voice is the biggest client, opportunity, and moolah MAGNET in your soulful online biz.

When you allow your authentic voice to speak your truth fearlessly and without shame or apology, you start attracting all that’s meant for you — dream clients, lush opportunities, money, praise, and divine support from all directions.

Words have power and how you express yourself matters.

So use the energy of this magical full moon to tap into the potent power of your voice. Ask yourself…

→ How have I been using my sacred voice this year?

→ Have I been holding my truth back in any way?

→ Am I communicating my desires clearly to the Universe and the people around me?

→ Am I speaking up for my needs and desires in every area of my life?

→ Am I loud enough about the things I want out of life?

→ Am I using my divine voice as a powerful manifestation tool?

Words, as vibrations of sounds, are a potent manifestation tool. When you write and speak your deepest desires into existence and you’re clear about what you want, the world becomes your playground.

So use this time to get clear about your desires and make a list of what you want to attract into your life in the coming year and beyond…

Write them down, read them aloud, and as you’re CLAIMING your desires through your voice, close your eyes and visualize what you want and how you want to feel as if it’s already yours… as if you’re already in that state of being and experiencing.

I can promise you, diva, when you tap into the potency of this practice and do it consistently, you’ll start playing the true game of life — The Game of Quantum.

And just like that, your life will become a delicious love affair with the Universe. #ManifestationQueen

This is one of the things I teach my students within the divine vortexes of my programs: that we’re in constant co-creation of our realities.

Whether you realize it or not, diva, you’re manifesting ALL THE FREAKING TIME — through the words you utter in your head and out loud, your frequency, and your most deep-seated beliefs…

Words are a creative force. They can start revolutions, magnetize the right clients into your energy field, and help you sell out your divine offers like hotcakes.

If you’ve been holding your voice back online, it’s time to change that, darling.

I’m serious about this sh*t because I see too many talented-AF women struggle with communicating their life-changing messages clearly and fiercely, holding back their authentic voices for fear of judgment and criticism, or even worse, not even putting themselves out there because they don’t think anyone would be interested in what they do.

If you’ve recognized yourself in any of this, I’m here to say, we’ve got work to do, darling woman.

Stop daydreaming about the life you want so badly and start FINALLY living it.

It’s time to change your reality.

It’s time to own the sacredness of your deepest truths.

It’s time to share your divine message with the world.

It’s time to be courageous enough to let go of what doesn’t serve you, so you can make space for the things that truly help you thrive, shine, and fly… just like these gorgeous clients of mine did…

If you’re ready to turn your divine message into a high-ticket offer that magnetizes and mesmerizes your soulmate clients, then apply for a free CEO DIVA BUSINESS REVIEW today.

With my divine wealth strategists, you’re in the best hands to take your luxe online brand from invisible to industry leader.

You’ll walk away with a CLEAR PLAN to collapse the timeline to your success… and scale to a million (or multiple millions) a heckload faster than you thought possible.

But please only apply if you’re 100% serious about putting your divine self out there and taking your business to the next level in true CEO DIVA style. #DivineFemmePower

This is for you if you’re ready to…

Articulate the value of your work to create constant demand, enroll premium clients EVERY. SINGLE. DAY, and escape the feast and famine roller-coaster ride forever.

Deliver results 100% of the time without all the heavy lifting, freeing your energy to focus on your big vision.

Leverage your brilliance and turn it into a magnetic message to build an ICONIC legacy brand that stands the test of time.

Create a lifestyle business that deeply supports your well-being and gives you all the space you need to be in your creatrix genius.

To put it simply…

This is for YOU if you’re ready to enter The Game of Quantum, divine one.

Do it while this offer lasts, gorgeous. We can’t wait to show you what’s possible.

To your most delicious love affair with life,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist