Birthing doula Sarva sold a $3K offer and then skyrocketed to build a $300K per year business.

Claim 2 x 1 hour live high priestess money activations each month + complete digital healing meditations to release anything stopping you from manifesting more money, love, abundance, self-confidence and feminine power!
Catch $1111 savings, darling!
You will NEVER again see this program available at this price.
I’m glad you found us here.
BUT BE WARNED: we operate in an entirely different vibrational dimension!
This is a sacred, uncensored, and uninhibited space for every woman who is done with suffering, shame, scarcity and disowning her power.
Million Dollar Diva goes beyond healing financial karma drama. It’s about women birthing our rapid femme healing and ascension on the planet, so we can change the world around us by leveraging our innate gifts, worth, and contributions to leave a legacy of feminine power for future generations.
Million Dollar Diva is a sacred container
In Million Dollar Diva, we cover it all by
offering the most sacred healing space on
the planet!
Gorgeous, it’s time to refuse to poison
yourself any longer with self-doubt and to
stop drinking the poverty, fear, and
constriction kool-aid!
you can feel in every cell of your being. Goodbye to imposter syndrome and feeling like you’re a fraud and not enough!
that brings your talent, gifts, and message online and worldwide. Get ready to SHOW up, GLOW up, and be the most LIT up woman on the internet!
in your business and relationships that come from overflow and nix overwhelm and overworking forever.
to guide you every step of the way with crystalline clarity, feminine acumen, and savvy business and life strategy.
that will leave you unrecognizable and bring you into your FULL feminine power at lightning speed.
of yourself and your sisters. There’s ZERO competition when you know how to connect and co-create with other powerful women! This creates a potent space of harmony, love and healing for all.
The impact and income you want to make start at an internal vibrational level.
Without doing the sacred work I teach in Million Dollar Diva, I never would have been able to build a multimillion-dollar brand…
The healing, the transformation and the sacred feminine ascension have been nothing short of miraculous.
You will NEVER again see this program available at this price.
If you truly want to heal, ascend, and manifest
your juiciest desires, you have to jump off the
fight-or-flight rollercoaster and reignite your
sensual FIYAH.
Tactics won’t get you any closer to your dreams. Tapping won’t help either. (Well, maybe a little, but we’re not talking epic freaking shifts). As long as you’re in survival mode, you’re not being strategic, and you remain disconnected from your power. You’ve got to bust this to open to a new rich woman reality, sista!
This causes you to unconsciously repel abundance. What if you set a goal to earn $10K/month when you’re meant to be running a million dollar business? Well-meaning goals (and well-meaning teachers) can hold your business growth hostage for years.
Instead of opening yourself up to receiving, you focus on getting, getting, getting. And all the while, you’re repelling the clients and connections you need in order to make the income and impact you desire. Open the channel into a new realm of unlimited abundance, love and alignment — and receive with grace, diva.
Million Dollar Diva is unlike any other financial program on the planet. This is a COLLECTIVE OF PRIESTESS ACTIVATION where we go beyond the surface and into deep cellular healing every week. You’ll be held in a powerful, loving and safe energetic container and activated into a new dimension of sovereign abundance and financial and personal femme power.
This is the last manifestation and femme frequency training you’ll ever need to join.
Maybe you’ll invent the next magnetic eyelashes! Or become an overnight billionaire like Sara Blakely, the inventor of Spanx. Maybe you’re the next Oprah, who knows?
It’s time for you to enter a new divine femme dimension and make it rain abundance, gorgeous.
Here’s what you’ll receive in your Million Dollar Diva manifesting and healing initiation!
Shed the scarcity mindset and not-enoughness belief forever with the multi-7-figure activator and prosperity priestess herself, Ingrid Arna. You’ll receive 3 powerful 90 minute video masterclasses to restore your relationship to money, so you can ditch the sabotaging scarcity mindset forever and open the doorway to limitless riches.
Create a new wealth set point with this divine money process.
Purify your past, environment and vibration and release all past stories and lower frequencies with this powerful masterclass. You’ll also purify your relationships with money, work and loved ones as you create a new cellular set point that beams with juicy and divine love and wealth! Get ready to activate your Priestess power, pleasure and purpose!
Harness your energy in self-love and amplify it to rise into more confidence, abundance and cash flow.
Release all beliefs you have around the need to rescue, save or carry others in order to feel safe and connected. Create sustaining, nourishing relationships where you give and receive in equal measure. Release all paradigms of struggle and scarcity and reclaim your divine femme power.
Shift from anxiety and sacrifice to juicy healing and abundance.
Release the pattern of spinning out at the first sign of trouble and become grounded in worthiness and nourishment, so you can grow and ascend with ease. This is where you’ll finally understand it doesn’t have to be hard: the journey into prosperity on all levels is about aligning your mind with energy and right action. Learn how to process your emotions, confidently speak your truth, and allow your wisdom to shine as you create a safe and inviting space for your relationships with yourself and your clients.
Claim ownership of yourself, voice and worth to sell, serve and receive.
Turn up the volume on your wealth, pleasure and love to attract clients, cash and consistency in your business. Ingrid will guide you into being visible, vocal and highly valued in your newly minted role as a serious player in your niche.
Create your heart’s desires from the frequency of being whole, healed, rich and radiant.
Allow yourself to create your reality separate from any past or present influences around you. Release any energies from past trauma and poor choices to step fully into your new Kali-fire creatrix vibration. This is THE change in vibration that lifts you and everything in your life up to the highest level of nourishment, joy and unlimited creation.
Free yourself from karma drama to rise into the realm of riches.
Unshackle yourself from any limits that you’ve inherited, adopted or accumulated in this life. Quickly move through old baggage, blame and self-sabotage to purify your vibration and radiate only that which brings you the support, recognition and remuneration you truly deserve.
Powerfully honor your gifts to allow higher financial remuneration to be part of your life.
Patterns of pain around money, as well as a scarcity vibration, manipulation and loss, are all forms of self-rejection, abandonment and suffering that can be released, transmuted and converted into financial flow.
Step into your sacred sovereignty to access radical riches.
Bringing in lavish abundance to your work, business, bank account and life calls you to channel crystal clear clarity on who you are and what you will and won’t accept in business and life. Dive deep into this process and clarify how you are attuning to the energy of abundance and becoming
one with the wealth that is yours to claim.
Create a new wealth set point with this divine money process.
Purify your past, environment and vibration and release all past stories and lower frequencies with this powerful masterclass. You’ll also purify your relationships with money, work and loved ones as you create a new cellular set point that beams with juicy and divine love and wealth! Get ready to activate your Priestess power, pleasure and purpose!
Harness your energy in self-love and amplify it to rise into more confidence, abundance and cash flow.
Release all beliefs you have around the need to rescue, save or carry others in order to feel safe and connected.
Create sustaining, nourishing relationships where you give and receive in equal measure. Release all paradigms of struggle and scarcity and reclaim your divine femme power.
Shift from anxiety and sacrifice to juicy healing and abundance.
Release the pattern of spinning out at the first sign of trouble and become grounded in worthiness and nourishment, so you can grow and ascend with ease. This is where you’ll finally understand it doesn’t have to be hard: the journey into prosperity on all levels is about aligning your mind with energy and right action. Learn how to process your emotions, confidently speak your truth, and allow your wisdom to shine as you create a safe and inviting space for positive and blooming relationships with yourself and your clients.
Claim ownership of yourself, voice and worth to sell, serve and receive.
Turn up the volume on your wealth, pleasure and love to attract clients, cash and consistency in your business. Ingrid will guide you into being visible, vocal and highly valued in your newly minted role as a serious player in your niche.
Create your heart’s desires from the frequency of being whole, healed, rich and radiant.
Allow yourself to create your reality separate from any past or present influences around you. Release any energies from past trauma and poor choices to step fully into your new Kali-fire creatrix vibration. This is THE change in vibration that lifts you and everything in your life up to the highest level of nourishment, joy and unlimited creation.
Free yourself from karma drama to rise into the realm of riches.
Unshackle yourself from any limits that you’ve inherited, adopted or accumulated in this life. Quickly move through old baggage, blame and self-sabotage to purify your vibration and radiate only that which brings you the support, recognition and remuneration you truly deserve.
Powerfully honor your gifts to allow higher financial remuneration to be part of your life.
Patterns of pain around money, as well as a scarcity vibration, manipulation and loss, are all forms of self-rejection, abandonment and suffering that can be released, transmuted and converted into financial flow.
Your Sacred Sovereignty.
Bringing in lavish abundance to your work, business, bank account and life calls you to channel crystal clear clarity on who you are and what you will and won’t accept in business and life. Dive deep into this process and clarify how you are attuning to the energy of abundance and becoming one with the wealth that is yours to claim.
An exclusive 1 x 45 minute live Facebook Q&A and activation session each month
with high priestess Ingrid. This one-of-a-kind experience will not only empower
you to heal your relationship with money but also activate your inner money
priestess. In this special class, Ingrid will guide you through a profound healing
process, helping you release limiting beliefs and past financial traumas that have
been holding you back.
This isn't just a class; it's a sacred space where you can dive deep into the realms of abundance, prosperity, and financial freedom. Discover the secrets of the Wild Femme Money Priestess and step into your own power as you embrace a life filled with abundance.
During this live session, you will not only have the opportunity to ask questions and gain insights but also to actively raise your frequency through a unique activation experience led by Ingrid. This live Q&A & activation session will give you the chance to clarify doubts, receive personalized guidance, and connect with a community of like-minded souls.
Don't let this opportunity
pass you by. Elevate your
financial consciousness,
break free from scarcity
mindset, and become the
money priestess you've
always dreamt of becoming.
Kinesiologist, energy magician and money witch
You’ll have access to 15 rich, revolutionary and revelatory sessions with healer, kinesiologist and teacher Rebecca Anuwen to liberate you from the chains of good girl and people pleaser BS, lifetimes of shame and punishment, and any subservient, frigged up financial and self-worth nonsense you’re holding onto.
Ditch staying small and playing it safe and step into your wild and divine feminine power with us — and you’ll never look back.
This audio invocation will light you up for powerful, deep and sacred healing. You’ll never be the same when you remember who you are and reclaim the forgotten, lost and disowned parts of your rich diva soul while you reset, rewire and resurrect your Million Dollar Diva frequency.
Being the leader of your lushed-up life takes lady balls, love and pure alignment. With these 3 activating, grounding and stellar trainings from Emily Diamond, our lead strategist, you’ll learn how to skyrocket your consciousness into one of unapologetic femme power, potency and pleasure and create abundance and impact with ease.
45 minute deep priestess financial frequency classes with Rebecca to clear your money karma drama and bring you into harmony with your highest potential and prosperity. Whatever comes up for the group during the week, we endeavor to release and rewire into riches.
Divine kinesiology clearing sessions every month with Rebecca to recalibrate your emotional and energetic set point through working deeply with your subconscious mind and releasing past programming in a flash.
Intensive 45 minute healing rituals with Rebecca focusing on femme power, sensuality, manifestation, alignment, activation and sacred diva law rewiring.
Bi-monthly check-ins to harness the energy of the lunar phases and empower you to embrace the primal femme rhythm of our universe.
Private access to our sacred sisterhood Facebook group where you’ll connect with other high-vibe divas who are ready to lift you up and ascend with you on this divine journey!
NEVER underestimate a supported woman with the power of her sisterhood standing alongside her.
A monthly crystal grid to support your
embodiment of a new, abundant and magnetic
Diva frequency.
Speed up creation and manifesting with this workbook! The guidance in the workbook will help you invoke and energetically connect to your desires, so you can claim them unapologetically and bring them into your life immediately!
Turn on your money magnet power to attract divine abundance. You’ll be invited to reprogram at a cellular level and align your thoughts and actions with the spiritual laws of divine femme abundance.
These prayers and invocations are nourishing medicine for your soul and bank account! Use them to retrain your mindset and reinforce a new level of abundance in your life. Put them on your phone or print them out — and read them every day. These are a favorite among my students!
Ingrid is the most loving and strategic woman I’ve ever worked with. She work at the speed of light and guides you each step of the way. I’m almost at a million dollars a year and I can assure you without Ingrid, that would not be my reality.
- Anu
Ingrid is transformational, full stop. There is no better word for her. I have worked with anyone like her. She calls you out on your BS and loves you up when you need it. And she gives, gives, gives. I’ll be working with Ingrid as long as she taken on clients because she is incredible.
- Nicola
Ingrid and Rebecca combined are like a powerful priestess lift off! If you want to ascend into rapid abundance and love while you clear your karmic wounding, join these women and rise.
- Audrey
It goes w-a-y beyond self-worth and to the heart of belief. Your BELIEFS create your financial biography and cellular energetic blueprint and ultimately shape your physical reality.
Million Dollar Diva will teach you to reprogram, retrain and reparent your brain with heaps of juicy and activating self-love.
You’ll purge to emerge and rise into riches, gorgeous, as you heal, align and reset your frequency into femme power and sacred abundance.
Divine feminine manifestation starts with the art of radical receiving.
It’s time to ditch the victimhood and rise into your inner vixen.
Open up your ovaries — your sacral chakra — and become a clear energetic channel to receive so much more!
When you master and allow in this divine femme abundance, you open yourself to the possibility to:
This the only place you can get it at this divine price, gorgeous!
a sacred invitation to master your
manifestation power and create
security and life of financial
independence you deserve.
We’re entering the golden era of divine
feminine power.
Catch this price before the timer hits zero and
it disappears forever.
Ingrid Arna is not just a business sage; she is a High Priestess and a divinely RICH woman on a mission to activate you. With profound knowledge about the karmic bonds that often leave women feeling both financially and emotionally broken, she's here to guide you towards abundance.
As the founder and CEO of The Ingrid Arna Company, Ingrid is the visionary behind the Forbes-featured Ⓒ CURRENCY OF CONNECTION. She's often referred to as the woman behind the Gucci of online business programs, 6-Figure Diva and Millionairess Mastermind.
Ingrid's mission is to revolutionize online education, empowering women to break free from the daily grind and awaken to their sacred power to lead, serve, and build legacies of divine wealth and global impact. Her impact is profound, having generated over $12M in online course sales and guiding more than 10,000 students to succeed online through her unique product creation methodology.
Rebecca is a Cauldron Priestess, author, Red Tent facilitator, and founder of The Witch Academy and is dedicated to helping women remember and step into their inherent power. She is here to support you in your ascension as you release, rewrite and reconnect to your inherent power!
For the past 20+ years, she's been working with women who have described themselves as feeling 'out of sorts' but not quite able to put their finger on why they aren't feeling happy when externally things in their life seem 'right'.
She works with our students on an energetic level (because here at Ingrid Arna, we know that mastering energy is as important as mastering strategy— afterall, money is energy). Rebecca helps you to embrace ALL of YOU, and not just the 'pretty' parts.
With Rebecca’s mastery and magic, she’ll bring you home to your sovereign personal and financial power as you rewire every fiber of your being to create limitless success. With her support, you’ll create and nurture the energy, frequency and emotional IQ needed to build your divine empire with ease and elegance.