But before you leave this page
I would love to invite you to...
This type of access is normally only available to clients spending $10,000+ in my mastermind programs. Catch 95% savings now until the timer hits zero and the offer disappears forever, gorgeous.
watch video
  • Unleash your message
  • Amplify your influence
  • Become the expert in your niche
  • Get confident-AF
  • Monetize your brand
  • Skyrocket your sales
  • Get booked out



Imagine being about to ditch selling $100
sessions and bundles of $500 and instead sell
lush AF offers for $5000, $10K and $20K+ ….with
ease and elegance.

I know you hear the call to rise.

But here’s the brutal truth:

What most coaches are saying
you should do to grow your
business doesn’t work. Period.

Your upleveling requires a whole new
relationship with money, energy, emotional IQ, self-care, pleasure, rest, and soul alignment balanced with streamlined systems, strategy, and sales processes.

I know this because it’s how I was able to go from $50K a year to $5m a year with a baby on my hip. How did I do it? I owned my voice and got as strategic as all heck. Now I want to help you do the same.

I invite you to STOP working so hard and START building a life and business that will truly light you up.

If you want to become wealthy, you MUST learn to package up your sacred work and sell with pure heart—and without wanting to puke all over your Jimmy Choos.

I want you to know…. you’re sitting on a goldmine, gorgeous!

No matter your niche, your industry, or your expertise, you can both SERVE and MAKE millions—in the smartest and most fulfilling way possible.

Just picture it, gorgeous!

Imagine your first $100,000 course launch or making your next $200K in 3 - 6 months …without straining your hustle muscle!

Making money online is an art, and you need to master it, gorgeous!

Building a business and legacy doesn't have to be hard, but it does have to be strategic as all heck, gorgeous!

It’s time for you to become a WILDLY WEALTHY WOMAN, BY MASTERING THE SACRED ART OF SELLING WITH SOUL. End $50 sessions to sell $5K, $10K and $20K offers by unlocking the new positioning, pricing and packaging paradigm.

When you package up your work into a scalable course, program or
mastermind that delivers BIG, you will make BIG MONEY—in any economy.

I’m inviting you to buckle up for the ride of your life, gorgeous! If you’re ready to stop trading dollars for hours and instead have money coming in as you sip a latte and spend time at the beach, grab your ticket!

Imagine selling your first or next $5k or $10K package in the next week.

Fell logoFell logo

How would that feel?

Manifesting coach Syma went from $100 sessions to selling $10K group offers.

Sound healer Scarlet went from couch surfing to over $250K in 12 months.

Graphic designer Ellie went from $300 packages to $3000 and then $10,000 design packages.

Sexuality coach Alicia went from $100 sessions to selling $100K over 4 months by packing up her sacred work.

Lighworker Ahneyah went from $250 packages to selling $25K teacher training.

Life coach Damini went from struggling to selling $30K in her first month.

Dance therapist Natalie tripled her course sales and had herfirst $100K week.

Lighworker Liying went from $80 sessions to selling $8,888 sessions every single week.





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The million dollar woman meditation

Heal your money drama forever, unleash femme power
and liberate your soul into a realm of limitless riches!

If you want to manifest your wildest dreams with a heckload
more grace, this is where you begin! This divine healing
activation will ensure every single cell in your being will align
with limitless wealth as you rise into sacred feminine power.

Enter a new paradigm of living where you release lifetimes of shame, punishment, and all the subservient, frigged-up money and self-worth nonsense. Listen to this divine meditation every day and become the richest, most lit up woman you know as you release sabotage, fear and scarcity from your body, mind and soul, gorgeous and manifest the life, business, relationships and money you desire and deserve!

It’s time to declare yourself DONE with social, familial, and patriarchal constriction. This sacred recording is a sacred vow to live from your deep, unwavering, unbreakable, and unapologetic power. Your yoni, your soul, your inherent wild femme want to be wealthy on all levels and it starts here by claiming your freedom and potent wisdom for yourself. This is a sacred invitation to transcend fear, frustration, and crippling money drama. The Million Dollar Woman Meditation is an invitation to wield magic, embody your creatrix power, and open to a million dollar frequency, as you heal your money karma drama forever—and catapult your business and life into the next stratosphere.


This is deep emotional and energetic rewiring.
You will never be the same when you remember who the f#ck you are.


  • No shame.
  • No victimhood.
  • No scarcity.
  • No sacrifice.
  • No suffocation.
  • No self-betrayal.
  • No more putting others before your own well-being.
  • No more sucking up the sh#t to make others happy.
  • No more running your company like a freakin’ charity.

That’s done forever. You’ll come home to your diva creatrix power and instantly change your business, rev up your income, and draw in lucrative new opportunities by harnessing the frequency of sacred divine riches!

Plus get 3 divine masterclasses valued at $888 & activate riches, attract more high value dream clients & change the way you make money forever!

Masterclass #1


Claim your femme power, turn your genius into gold and activate limitless riches, gorgeous!


Diva, you deserve a F#CKload more than mediocrity. Don’t miss this juicy opportunity to break free from societal conditioning and command limitless riches and abundance into your life. As women, if we are to reprogram for wealth, we must develop a wealth IQ that allows for the flow of money, abundance, and financial power to be realized and become a part of our everyday way of being.

Masterclass #2

The Purification Masterclass

The holy and divine money process to create a new wealth setpoint.

Purify your past, your space and your vibration and release all past stories and frequencies with this powerful masterclass. You will also purify your relationship with money, your work and your relationships as you create a new cellular set point that beams with juicy and divine love and wealth!


Masterclass #3

The Energy Empress Masterclass

Harness and amplify your energy in self-love to rise into
more love, abundance and cash flow.

Release all beliefs around rescuing, saving or carrying others in order to feel safe and connected. Create sustaining, nourishing relationships where you give and receive in equal measure. Release all paradigms of struggle and scarcity as you reclaim your divine femme power. I cannot wait to watch you rise into riches! Remember once the timer hits zero this training is gone forever.

bonus3 masterclass

Talk To A Wealth

Talk to
Rich Goddess Cash Flow
Coaching Call

This is a private 30-minute deep dive session with one of my incredible strategists to help you to create limitless wealth, abundance and freedom in your life and business!

Check out

My 5 start client reviews…


$66K in 8 weeks!

Kate, celebrity psychic

$80 sessions to $5K packages

Loveday, healer and business diva

$200,000 in
12 weeks

Ahneyah, healer

$80 sessions to $18K months

Cindy, naturopath

$22,000 from
2 clients

Jane, book publisher

$10K group offers!

Syma, sacred feminine coach

$35K in 30 days!

Brittany, sexual liberation coach

This goes way beyond making more money.

It’s about working with grace and aligning with your personal power as you share your divine message with impact—sacrifice-free!

Because well-behaved women rarely make history.

If you want security and freedom for yourself and your loved ones while truly living in alignment with your soul purpose you need to master the sacred art of monetizing your personal brand online!

It’s time to woman up, gorgeous.
  • Package up your brilliance
  • Get more clients & serve deeply
  • Uncap your income and more than triple your sales
  • Channel your message with purpose and soul
  • Claim your power & take center stage.
  • Lead like a boss diva queen
  • Embody and express your authentic truth.

Heal and unleash your divine feminine power as you manifest limitless sovereign and financial abundance, liberating yourself forever from scarcity as you become an influential coach, healer or consultant online. {Minus the chronic hustle, sleaze and drama of the patriarchal money game.}

You’re ready to hear the truth… you’re sitting on a goldmine.No matter your niche, your industry, or your expertise, you can both SERVE and MAKE millions — in the smartest and most fulfilling way possible.

These potent women are REWRITING THE RULES OF RICHES… and every single one of them is doing it with SOUL.
And best of all, you’ll come to discover that with the right systems, strategy, and deep support, scaling with significance, soul, and sanity is practically inevitable.

This new paradigm of online business isn’t just about marketing and money.

It’s about living the new archetype of a successful woman where we celebrate and honor the divine feminine. It’s about getting support structures in place, so you can focus on working in your zone of genius.

It’s also about serving at your highest potential.

You simply cannot have the impact you desire if you’re burned out, exhausted, or trapped in the day-to-day operations of your business.

Your upleveling requires a whole new relationship with money, energy, emotional IQ, self-care, pleasure, rest, and soul alignment balanced with streamlined systems, strategy, and sales processes.

I know this because it’s how I was able to go from low 6 figures to high 6 figures in just 3 months, and then onto building a million dollar brand with a baby on my hip.
If you want to become rich, you MUST learn to sell with pure heart — and without wanting to puke all over your Jimmy Choos.

How did I do it? I owned my voice, my message and my mission and got as strategic as all heck about putting them out into the world to serve deeply.

Now I want to help you do the same.

I invite you to STOP working so hard and START building a life and business that will truly light you up.This is where your struggle ends, powerhouse woman. It’s time to take responsibility for your life and your bank balance.

It simply starts with you claiming your inherent power and committing to yourself and your divine calling with complete and unapologetic courage.

Every day, my clients are shifting from:
… start up to $10K months
… $50K to $200K/year
… $200K to $400K/year
… $100K to $500K/year
… $300K to $1M+/year
It’s time to take divine action if:
  • you’re serious about doing the work that will help you add $20K+ per month to your income.
  • you want to grow a legacy brand that stands the test of time while cutting your workload in half and adding a few zeros to the end of your bank balance.
  • you want to attract high-end clients who are happy to pay you your true value.
  • you want to leverage your brilliance to sell digital products that will reach thousands of new customers and build the impact you dream of.
  • you’re ready to learn all the strategies that are proven to work to grow a sustainable business that doesn’t drive you into the ground.
  • you’re ready to turn your yearly income into your monthly income like some of my clients and I have done {without sacrificing your soul or your sensual fire}.


My 5 start client reviews…


7 x her
income in 8

Jessica, MLM Industry Business Coach


Vero, marketing & social media consultant

$200k in 12

Scarlett, sound meditator

$100k in
6 months

Rachel, Angel manifesting coach

$5k and $8k

LiYing, lightworker

My first
$100k week

Natalie, dance therapy teacher

$14k in 8 weeks

Lauren, intuitive love priestess and wellness coach

$8K offers
on repeat!

Maria, spiritual empowerment coach
Now it’s your turn!

It’s time to take back your mind, your heart, your yoni power, and above all…

Your creatrix energy to manifest what YOU truly desire.

Luckily the energy of global change and the divine femme rising is backing you, as am I! You were made for more.

So what will it be, diva? FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE or f*cking yourself over?

The reason it’s so black-and-white to me is that I see no other way for women to become truly independent and influential in this world. If there was, I’d be teaching THAT.

We’re entering the Online Education Era, and right now you have the opportunity of a lifetime to turn the skills you already have into an online business that changes lives and gives you REAL security, freedom, and purpose.

Fell logo

Healer Molly went from wanting to quit her business to$150K in 4 months and now runs a 7-figure business.

Life coach Abi launched her program and made $86K in 10 weeks with feminine power and ease.

NLP expert Randina went from $10K months to consistent $24K months in 8 weeks,and then went on to have her first multi-six figure launch.

Business coach Jen went from launch to launch to $204K over her first 12 weekswhile traveling around the world!


If you want extraordinary wealth, you need extraordinary wellbeing.

The grind and the hustle can only be sustained for so long.

Claim your financial sovereignty with divine ease. Get the structures in place. Get your frequency on point. Move and master the systems, DIVA. A million dollar business is not a fluke. It’s a process.

Learn it

So much unbelievable growth has happened since I started to work with Ingrid. I’ve expanded my connection to my healing power, my vision as an entrepreneur, and my community, and the journey has been nothing short of illuminating and deeply rewarding for me. I sold 100 spots in my healing course and made just over $100K in 3 months!

hennaangel channel and healer

This work involves deep emotional and energetic rewiring. You will never be the same when you remember who the f#ck you are.


This work involves deep emotional and energetic rewiring.
You will never be the same when you remember who the f#ck you are.

  • No shame.
  • No victimhood.
  • No scarcity.
  • No sacrifice.
  • No suffocation.
  • No self-betrayal.
  • No more putting others before your own well-being.
  • No more sucking up the sh#t to make everyone else happy.
  • No more running your company like a freakin’ charity.

That’s all done forever.

That’s all done forever.
