From scarcity to sovereign sisterhood


There’s an epidemic of jealously running rampant in the world of women.

I see this online and in my personal life, and it’s keeping too many of us broke and in bondage to envy and a feeling of ‘not enoughness’.

My vortex is full of gorgeous, talented, and powerful women 💃… and you’ll never see me intimidated by them—even if they have some magic juju that I don’t. It’s all good because, we all have our own brilliance.

Don’t let another woman’s wealth become your wound. 🙅

As long as you look at other women and see them as competition 👀, you’ll screw yourself out of the sacred sisterhood you deeply long for.

It’s okay to be uncomfortable in the presence of other powerful women; it’s not okay to turn that discomfort into distortion.

Don’t make other women’s success mean anything about you. Don’t compare where you are to someone who is decades ahead of you. Within you is just as much power as within those other women you put on a pedestal. 🙌

Release the distortion so you can claim limitless abundance for yourself and for every woman you cross paths with.

Stand by them and claim your sovereignty together. ✨

Imagine affirming, supporting, encouraging, and amplifying the abundance of other women around you: it will raise your vibration and change you down to the DNA in every cell of your body. Fill your heart ❤️ with the pink light of divine love and invoke rich compassion that overflows to every connection in your life.

How would it feel to enter a sisterhood where you can be held, seen, and supported in all that you are? A sisterhood filled with money, love, pleasure, and pussy power? 👑

Sitting on the sidelines of sisterhood, wishing you were part of the ‘in crowd’, and hoping someone will notice you and love you, just perpetuates the B.S. that another woman’s love, contribution, and attention is more valuable than your own.

You have so much to share. 💕

Be a team player, go all in, and be in integrity with your word.

It’s your job to show other women what you’re made of. 💪

I’ve attracted some really incredible women who have been clients and now work with me in my business. They’re also divine friends 🙏. They know how to show up, how to say they’re sorry when shit hits the fan, and how to receive.

Let me tell you that it’s a delicious feeling when we actually come together no matter our age, no matter what we physically look like, and no matter what socioeconomic status we hold.

We’re ready to support each other. 😍

Divine diva, 💃
Be a woman of your word.
See your own triggers.
Take responsibility.
Release your envy addiction.
Love yourself through it. ❤️

You belong in a sisterhood where you are deeply healed and supported as you RISE. 🦋

This has been a crucial part of my programs from day one. My clients feel it and experience sisterhood that they never imagined was possible. Because they each decide to become a part of this sacred movement.

Of course, my clients come into my programs for high-level strategy and advanced business support 📈… but at the end of the day we all really just want to be loved 😍. And let me tell you, it’s a lot easier to love yourself, your sisters, your life, and your business when you have someone to show you the way.

Stop overgiving to the victims in your life (they’ll never be satisfied) and shift into a generosity that builds trust, connection, love, and relationships that are deeply supportive of your soul work ✨… relationships like the ones my client’s forge in High-End Empire Divamind.

If you’re ready to RISE with your sisters into riches, I invite you to book in a call 📞 with one of my diva advisors 👉

My amazing advisors know how to hold the frequency of this sacred sisterhood space for you while taking a deep look at where you’re effing yourself out of millions energetically, emotionally, spiritually, and strategically. 😉

This support is unrivaled. 🥰 Get your dose of it here, diva, and discover the gold mine you’re sitting on 👉

We’re all divine and sacred souls doing our best, and I still believe we can do better. 🙌

Lots of love and divine riches,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist


This affair will make you millions.


Why do you hate sales? 🤔

Dread your consult calls?

Freeze when it’s time to make an offer on a livestream?

The #1 reason that most women aren’t making the sales they want to in business…

…is that they’re just not selling. 👎

Usually out of fear of being judged and called greedy for wanting to make a lush living doing divine, purpose-driven work that changes lives. (Ummm… ridiculous, right?)

This must change if you want to make bank. 💰

I propose… you have a love affair with sales. One that turns into a lifelong romance with riches. 😍

I asked myself, what are the 3 most potent and sacred ways that I was able to stop wanting to vomit every time I made an offer to fall in love with sales?

To the tune of a million dollars (and still counting past $3M). 🎶

Here they are, gorgeous.

Listen deeply.

Open your heart. ❤️

Let riches in.


Stop buying into your potential client’s money story. Now. 🙅

If you’re not selling because you’re afraid people don’t have the money, you’re already disempowering them.

No matter the audience you’re serving, everyone has more access to money to invest than they may think they do. 😉 You must take a stand for the resourcefulness and riches available to your clients if you want to believe in the unlimited riches available for you. Money can’t be abundant in your life while you project poverty onto others.

Those who really want to play always find a way to pay.


Imagine the true impact of selling your work to thousands. 💰

Every day testimonials roll in from my clients selling $5K, $20K, and even $50K offers. When I impact ONE woman, I also impact the hundreds, thousands, and even millions of people she will go on to transform with her work.

If I was afraid of sales, my epic clients wouldn’t be getting their work into the world. It’s that simple. 🤷

From ad strategy to saving marriages, my clients do it all, and I love hearing about how they’re using my work to build empires that serve through high-end sales.

What’s the ripple effect of your work, diva? How will what you teach go on to affect entire families, businesses, cultures, and generations to come? 💕

What would it feel like to sell out your packages, rest in the lush riches that you created, and see people’s lives changed because of you? 🙌

When you get clear on this, sales will feel like the sacred practice that it is.


Diva, it comes down to this: if you’re not making offers every dang day and asking people to get on a call 📞 with you, you’re not doing your job as a transformational teacher and online business owner.

Your clients are stuck in the struggle, and they need you to reach out a friggin’ hand.

That’s what sales represent. An open hand. An offer. A way for your dream clients to get out of the pain they’re in and create massive change in their lives. 🦋

Sales is a sacred portal and activation of your client’s journey. Without it, they’ll ‘Google’ until their thumbs go numb trying to find a solution when what they truly need is you.

My clients are more in love with sales than they’ve ever been before. 😍

They get these sacred sales secrets.

They unapologetically share their work, claim the power of their clients’ results, and know in their bones how important it is that they continue to show up to get cashed up.

Are you ready to swoon over sales, too? 🤩

Hop on a call with one of my diva advisors who will support you in taking a strategic look at your offers, how you’re selling, how you’re serving, and what’s missing in your empire to take you to six-figures and scale you to seven. 📈

🗓️ You can book in here 👉

Claim your power to activate riches in your own business. 💃

Multiply your impact like never before.

The opportunity is right here. Just book a free call 📞 and we’ll share the secret to turning ON your love affair with sales 👉 ✨

Lots of love and divine riches,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist


The secret ingredient in $5K hotcakes


How many emails will you read from me before you let yourself have a breakthrough?

Like the massive ‘a-ha moment’… my client Marilyn had just before she sold her first $5K package. 💰

“Ingrid has given me a level of support that I didn’t even know I needed!”


You may not even be totally aware of how much energy you’re wasting by keeping yourself bound, gagged, and chained to old poverty B.S. It’s time to stop wobbling and leaving people wondering what the EFF you can actually DO for them, and get your million dollar clarity activated, gorgeous. 💋

Marilyn had a bit more to say about the secret ingredient she didn’t even know she needed:

In just a few weeks, I realized that the level of love I’ve received in the High-End Empire Divamind is unmatched. I’ve never felt or seen anything like it. It’s truly on a whole new level and has changed me completely. ✨

I’m now so clear on who I am and what I do. That’s been a serious struggle in the past because so much of what I do is energetic that putting it into words just never worked.

Now, just from sharing what I do, people truly they get it. My mind is blown! 💥

I’ve developed new programs and planned a new book launch that’ is all so in alignment that I can just go go go and move! My whole heart and being can go into my work. I’m deeply fulfilled, nourished, and satisfied on the inside. The results on the outside are the icing on the cake!

If you’ve been considering working with Ingrid and her team, I highly recommend that you do it.

Take the leap.

It’s a leap of self-love. 💕

It’s a leap of love for your people.

It’s a leap of love for your legacy.

Just the vibration of Ingrid’s vortex is enough to change your life… everything else available in the program is a bonus.

When you get into the High-End Empire Divamind, do the work, show up, let go, and get ready to step into your greatest self and your greatest purpose.

It’s going to be truly phenomenal. 😍

I’m eternally grateful for Ingrid and her amazing team and look forward to being here for a very long time. (Maybe I’ll see you inside the Divamind?).

Grab your Business and Money Blocks Healing and Activation session and get an incredible, limited-time scholarship opportunity to join High-End Empire on your call 🙏 →

During this Business and Money Blocks Healing and Activation session, my diva advisor will take a look at every area of your life from your energetic field to your business strategy to see where the gaps are, where you’re blocking your next level of impact and income, and what’s required for you to release those, rewire yourself for riches, and radically rise into the six- and seven-figure stratosphere. ✨

👉 Head to to book your session.

Imagine whipping out $5K+ packages 🎁 and selling them shame-free on repeat like friggin’ hotcakes. 🥞

Fuck yes, diva. It’s possible. 😉

Lots of love and divine riches,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist


The TRUTH serum is here…

Gorgeous woman,

The other day I saw an anti-aging serum ad, and it lit my fire. 🔥

There’s always something we’re supposed to change about ourselves as women, isn’t there?

I’ve had to fend off my own father from calling my daughter ‘skinny’ and ‘fatty’ because I refuse to stand by as she’s programmed with the belief that she has to change to be loved, accepted, and valuable. 🙅

She’s just as divine as you are, gorgeous, and you do not have to change a fucking thing about who you are to make millions online. 💰 Well, you may have to give up the cute little ‘I’m confused’ act and some karmic baggage… but that’s nothing new in my vortex.

I’ve been around the block a few too many times to hold back my voice and deep understanding of this. I literally have no filter left. ❌

If we really want to end the distortion of our bodies, corruption of our brilliance, and psychological robbery of our inherent right to riches, we’re going to need to swap out the ‘anti-aging’ shizz for some truth serum…

How you let others treat you, degrade you, and violate you is a direct reflection of your own self-abuse.

That may sound harsh, but it’s good news. 😉

Get clear on how you want to run your business. What is and isn’t juicy and nourishing for you? 🤔

How do you want your partner, lover, or husband to treat you?

How do you want your friends and family to treat you?

Take the time to, write it down 📝, and make this a non-negotiable.

People will trust your clear energy and intent. 🙌

If you show others that you’ll change to suit their every whim and need, you’ll continue to resent them for something that is your responsibility alone to take care of.

I don’t let clients determine my offers, negotiate my pricing with me, or trigger me with their money and sales drama — and they respect me for it. 💕 I know my guidelines and how I’m running my show. And it’s totally fine if that doesn’t work for someone. The door’s always open for them to leave.

A true diva’s boundaries come from her heart ❤️, and they’re at the core of every sustainable, loved-up, cashed-up empire I’ve ever co-created.

If your bank account is suffering, look at your boundaries.

If you’re shying away from selling and hiding your diva light, look at your boundaries.

If you’re wishy-washy AF in your messaging, your voice, your expression, and what you truly stand for in the world, look at your boundaries. 👀

Stop suffering and get your energy clear, your offer crystallized, and your message on point, so that you can speak, sell, and claim your sovereignty, diva. 💃

This is a divine reprogramming on so many levels, and I know it can be intense.

Reach out to my team. 💕

Book a call 📞 with one of my diva advisors.

Let us help you see where the energy leaks are in your business and where broken boundaries are fucking you over and keeping you playing small.

Together, we’ll create a strategic plan with you to scale and sustain an online empire and income that honors the boundaries of your future million-dollar self. 💸

Just click here to choose a time for your (free) call with my team → ✨

Lots of love and divine riches,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist


That deep calling you’re ignoring…


I’ve had clients come to work with me and build 6-figure empires basically overnight after spending decades in denial of what they were put on earth to do.

They know exactly what their calling is, yet they’ve sabotaged themselves with the fear 😧 and belief that they’re totally under-qualified for the task.

They put off the massive mission within them and put on a ‘safe’ image that ensures the world will never know their true talents, gifts, and abilities.

Sticking to what feels safe is a sure way to get stuck in small-minded success. 👎

Most people won’t have the brass ovaries it takes to look you in the eye 👀 (or in the email) and say what you need to hear. I’m not one of those people, so listen up.

The show you’re putting on right now… is bullshit and you know it. 🤔

For goddess sake, diva: YOU ARE HERE FOR MORE. 🙌

The desires you have?
They’re divinely woven into the very cells of your being.

The vision you think is just a ‘dream’?
It’s meant to be your reality. 🦋

The calling you don’t feel capable of fulfilling?
You’ll be equipped as soon as you DECIDE to fulfill it. 💪

Push the limits of what you think is possible.

There are millions to be made, millions of lives to change, and millions of excuses that you’ll use to keep you from doing either of those.

Unless you stop working so effing hard towards the wrong goals, you’ll never get richly aligned with the eternal purpose put within you to birth on this planet. Stop stalling. 🙅

Your million-dollar identity is there within you 💃: who is that woman? What is she here on this planet to contribute?

Claim it. Speak it out loud 📣. Get honest with yourself.

And, seriously, diva, get on a call 📞 with someone from my team who can make sure you don’t yo-yo back into a self-sabotaging nightmare again 👉

The world cannot wait forever. People are literally praying for you. 🙏

Answer them. Answer your calling. Say yes to MORE and the clients who need you. 😍

The longer you hide, the less time you’ll have to build this beautiful empire 👑 that’s about to burst from within you.

Let my team turn your soul vision into an actionable, streamlined strategy that will activate your million dollar identity and income at the speed of light ⚡ → 🙌

Lots of love and divine riches,

Ingrid Arna signed with LOVE

Ingrid Arna
Leading 7-Figure Strategist